Cookies policy

We at Inter IKEA Systems B.V. (“IKEA”, “we”, “us” or “our”) would like to inform you about the use of cookies, technical functionalities or similar storage technologies, such as pixels (hereinafter “Cookies”) on our website (“Website”). We are responsible for the use of Cookies when you use the Website. This Cookie Policy supplements our Privacy Policy.
Below, we explain what cookies are, what they do and what type of cookies we use.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are sent to your browser and are stored on your device. They can be used to store certain types of information. They help in making the website user experience more efficient as they help the website remember your choices and information. These are necessary for our site to work properly and to give us information about how our site is used. They make navigating on the website easier and optimise your use of the website.
The next time you visit our Website with the same end device, the information stored in the cookies will be sent back either to our Website (“First Party Cookie”) or to another website to which the cookie belongs (“Third Party Cookie”).
The information from the Cookies helps the Website recognize the past access and visit with the browser of your end device and enables us to optimally design and display the Website according to your preferences. Only the cookie itself is identified on your end device.
Personal data will only be stored with your express consent or if this is absolutely necessary in order to be able to use the service offered and accessed by you accordingly.

2. Withdrawing Consent

When you use the Website, you can choose not to consent to our use of certain cookies. Furthermore, you can withdraw your consent at any time in the Website under cookies settings. This does not, however, affect the lawfulness of the usage of such cookies prior to the withdrawal of your consent.
You can withdraw your consent for other cookies except the strictly necessary cookies set out in Section Strictly Necessary Cookies below.

3. Deleting Browser Cookies

Opting to deactivate cookies in your browser at any given time would prevent storage of cookies on your end device. In case you opt for this, you would be receiving the cookie setting banner each time you visit our website.
However, please note that the general deactivation of cookies can lead to functional restrictions in connection with the use of our Website.

4. Types of Cookies used on the Website

We use the following types of cookies :

The services required for these performance purposes may transmit data about your use of this Website to a country outside the European Union (“EU”). Unless there is a decision protecting transfer to such third country, most third countries (including United States) do not have an EU Commission decision which offers an appropriate level of data protection. In this regard, there are also no other suitable guarantees, enforceable rights and effective legal remedies to protect your data in such third countries. This means there is a risk that your data will not be protected in the same way by third party service providers involved as it is in the EU. The activation of these services and the associated transmission of your data to the third party outside of the EU therefore only takes place on the basis of your expressly declared consent.

1.Other Websites

On our website we offer links to other IKEA websites. Please note that this cookie statement is only valid for Other IKEA websites have their own cookie statement. Please read such statement on the respective website before proceeding.

2.Your Privacy Rights

Data collected through cookies is information that could be used indirectly and together with other data to identify you, such as IP-address and various data that identifies a particular device. Although such data does not tell us who you are, such data is often recognised as personal data.

When information that can be connected to you as an individual, directly or indirectly, is processed, we will inform you about this in our Privacy Statement that you can find here.

Please note that, to the extent that we process your personal data, data is only stored for five minutes after you leave our website. Therefore, some of the rights may not be applicable to your situation.


If you have questions about our privacy statement or practices, please feel free to get in touch. You can contact us at:

Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
Olof Palmestraat 1
2616 LN Delft
The Netherlands

Email us at: