IKEA 365+

Three IKEA 365 kitchen products, one oven mitt in chequered blue and white, one blue mixing bowl, and a white cup and saucer.
Kitchen equipment
Magnus Lundström/Susan Pryke/Anki Spets
EUR 3.50/3/2.50

With its IKEA 365+ kitchen series, IKEA wanted to provide a complete solution for everyday life. The collection was launched in 1997 and included more than 70 simple basic products that the customer could use from the kitchen worktop to the dining table every day, all year round. Thus the name: IKEA 365+. The number for the days in a year, and a + to indicate that the products offered ‘that little bit extra’.

The series was inspired by Ingvar Kamprad’s business idea for IKEA and ‘More beautiful everyday items’, the classic campaign for simple yet aesthetically appealing everyday products launched by the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design in 1919.

It was a comprehensive series of well-designed, functional products for preparing and eating food, at as low a price as possible. The series was developed by product developers at IKEA in collaboration with Anki Spets, a glass and textile designer based in New York, industrial designer Magnus Lindström from Stockholm and Susan Pryke, a porcelain and ceramic designer from London. They chose materials that could take many years of robust use, such as feldspar porcelain and stainless steel.

IKEA 365+ was updated with new global functions and a new design launched in 2017. And still today, IKEA 365+ products are very popular parts of the IKEA kitchen range.

More about the IKEA 365+ series