Ung Svensk Form 2020

29 April – 4 June 2020

Curiosity, humour and intelligent questions carry the development of design forward. The young designers in this year’s edition of Young Swedish Design open a creative window onto the future.

Welcome to Young Swedish Design 2020, a co-production between Svensk Form (the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design) and ArkDes, with support from IKEA and City of Malmö. Young Swedish Design is a distinction presented, this year, to 25 young designers – and you can see more of their entries here!

This spring, we would have been showing the Young Swedish Design 2020 exhibition to visitors here at IKEA Museum in Älmhult. However, since you can’t visit us, we’re providing a digital display of this year’s 25 winning entries. The exhibition demonstrates a desire to experiment, creativity, innovation and future thinking – something we can all be inspired by.

Anna Sandberg Falk, Curator, IKEA Museum

The “Young Swedish Design 2020” exhibition at IKEA Museum in Älmhult, Sweden.
The Young Swedish Design 2020 exhibition at IKEA Museum in Älmhult, Sweden.
A lilac curtain with a painted, brown pattern and a screen with a nude person in turquoise flourescent colours.
Kitty Schumacher, DESIRE_LINES. Judges’ comments: Queer cinema that demands reflection. Before us, a suggestive symphony that urges us to break away from our habitual thinking. Perspectives are turned around: the spotlight shines on the normative, rather than the other way around.
A black table with a base made with large pieces of coal stacked on top of each other and a smooth, small, round tabletop.
Jesper Eriksson Coal: Post Fuel // A New Social Relation
An asymmetrical armchair with a messy, light brown leather cover called “Uncanny Traces”.
Erika Geiger Ohlin Uncanny Traces

This year’s edition of Young Swedish Design takes us on a thought-provoking, experiential journey into the borderland between utopia and dystopia. There is clearly a strong need to comment on the precarious conditions of both the present and the future, whether in furniture design, visual communication or speculative design.

Mats Widbom, MD of Svensk Form (Swedish Society of Crafts and Design)

A white, suitcase-sized shape covered with white puffer-jacket pieces and a small cushion.
Sara-Lovise Ask Ewertson, Puffer-jacket-soft-squad, Pure sculpture! Judges’ comments: The project ponders the future of the shop, the death of the mall, and the new consumption patterns that are emerging. It broaches this challenge in a thought-provoking work that explores the boundaries between experience and furniture, body and clothing.

Designers Lisa Lindh & Klara W. Hedengren have created Kolonn, which is being shown at our Young Swedish Design 2020 exhibition. Lisa and Klara are also this year’s IKEA scholarship recipients. Here, they talk about Kolonn and their approach to design.

Detail of a grey and blue vessel made out of concrete, plaster and insulation foam that is cast into fabric moulds.
Julia Olanders, Betweenness. Judges’ comments: Objects that challenge truths about beautiful and ugly, prototype and product, traditional and innovative. Betweenness is neither or both, primeval forms that can be interpreted as our age’s version of the marble statues of antiquity – made to crumble away within a few months.
A beige surface made out of concrete and irregular, shiny blobs of pink plaster and insulation foam.
Julia Olanders Betweenness
A close-up of a bright red, portable skateboard ramp with geometrically shaped holes.
Nils Lilja & Marcelo Rovira Torres No Composition

Young designers have an impressive ability to raise important issues with intelligence, curiosity and humour. Young Swedish Design 2020 offers world-class arts and crafts, and a huge range of materials.

Karin Wiberg, Project Manager at Young Swedish Design

A stuffed, bright pink chicken in a showcase next to a piece of cement with a pink chicken skeleton, and a digital screen.
In their Pink Chicken Project, Leo Fidjeland and Linnea Våglund suggest genetically dyeing all the world’s chickens pink, using a new biotechnology called CRISPR Gene Drive. This action, somewhere between utopia and dystopia, would alter humanity’s geological trace – and colour it pink!
A grey and pink check long shirt and trousers and a semi-transparent, deconstructed brown jacket with numerous pockets.
Erik Olsson, Bojskaut. Judges’ comments: Armour for the ultimate age, where the security we’ve taken for granted is no longer a given. Bojskaut builds an unimagined bridge between two eras: photographer Jean Hermanson’s old industrial society and the time yet to come – the apocalyptic future.
Three vase-shaped creations in different gradient colours made with tulle and three-dimensional embroidery.
Emilia Elfvik Pushing Embroidery
Four wall decorations with irregular dark, shiny and floating shapes made from nickel-plated brass, MDF and paint.
Sofia Eriksson Bodybuilding Mirrors

25 winning entries in 2020
Camilla Arnbert – Surfaced Print
Karin Andersson & Johanna Bratel – Vänskapstorget
Elias Båth – Död mark
Mattis Dallmann – With / Out
Evelina Dovsten – Every Sampling is a Testimony
Emilia Elfvik – Pushing Embroidery
Jesper Eriksson – Coal: Post Fuel // A New Social Relation
Sofia Eriksson – Bodybuilding Mirrors
Sara-Lovise Ask Ewertson – Puffer-Jacket-Soft-Squad, Pure Sculpture!
Leo Fidjeland & Linnea Våglund – Pink Chicken Project
Erika Geiger Ohlin – Uncanny Traces
Gustaf Helsing – Anxious Rugs
Coby Huang – R.O.S.P – Ritual of Sexual Pleasure
Annamia Lindblom – I came, I saw, I sewed
Lisa Lindh & Klara W. Hedengren – Kolonn
Nils Lilja & Marcelo Rovira Torres – No Composition
Julia Olanders – Betweenness
Erik Olsson – Bojskaut
Mattias Pettersson – Alien Worrior Princess
Tilda Ragnartz – Hot Movie New Popular FullHD
Kajsa Samuelsson – Beginning Middle And
Kitty Schumacher – Desire_Lines
Matilda Ellow – Self Titled
Mattias Selldén – Mix Sushi
Oscar Wall – Rya Chair

Download Young Swedish Design 2020 folder

Brown rectangles with black letters and numbers printed on them irregularly and in an incomplete and messy manner.